That’s me.


I am a graphic designer based in Portland, OR with a focus on brand identity, logo design, and creating music industry material. The goal of my work is to stoke dialogue, connect us with each other and our natural environment, and create tangible, tactile art, design, and tools that improve our quality of life. 

When I’m not doing those things, I’m making music, eating pickles, or jumping in a cold river. 


Q: What design services do you offer?

A: I offer services in logo design, layout design, brand creative, product development, User Interface design, iconography, marketing content creation, logo design for bands and musicians, album cover design, music industry promotional material, and concert/event poster design. My work can include elements of photography, basic illustration, basic motion design/animation, and copywriting. 

Q: Which tools do you use?

A: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign, Figma, Procreate, Canva, Google Workspace

Q: Where did you study design?

A: Everywhere I could! I’ve taught myself the various skill sets of a graphic designer through books, online classes, and lots of practice. Some of my favorite books are by Aaron Draplin, Armin Hoffman, and Stefan Sagmeister. I’ve completed the CalArts Graphic Design course (via Coursera) and am currently completing the UX Google Certificate course. 

Q: How can i work with you?

A: Send me an email >here<.